WoW cataclysm Gold: We have data mined the build

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We have data mined the build and we have been able to see a lot of interesting things pointing to previous developer interviews mentioning of heroic plus, as well as some clues for the upcoming year item level increase that looks like Blizzard will be scaling we'll be calling heroic

We have data mined the build  WoW cataclysm Gold and we have been able to see a lot of interesting things pointing to previous developer interviews mentioning of heroic plus, as well as some clues for the upcoming year item level increase that looks like Blizzard will be scaling we'll be calling heroic plus defense protocol alpha which I guess makes sense it's like an old white sounding name or like your brand brand brand bronze bird kind of name for achievements which are listed down below. Additionally, Blizzard will I mentioned that there will be an item level increase for three we'll do our loot.

So one example listed in the uncategorized spells shows how blood of the Old God this one right here will now increase from 1284 attack power to 1358 attack power, which is basically about a 7076 attack power increase based on my quick Domina, but something like that, actually, no, it's 8474 Whatever really 7484 It's a lot of attack power increase based on one item alone. So item level increases will affect train get will affect weapons, weapon damage, and approx as well and tear sets as well. 

So all the examples can be found below, I will be checking out quite a few of those as well. So we have some new achievements coming out we have the defense protocol Alpha terminated. So there's one achievement for every single dungeon, giving you more achievement points, or possibly also feats of strength, or legacy type of achievements. So here we go, we'll have those achievements right here we have some classes and stuff, and let's check out some new stuff as one so reckoning gives you a 2% chance for after blocking or being hit by any attacking damage, and then 4% 8% 6% based on stuff and things, so you have 2% here with rank one 4% with rank two, and 8% with rank four. 

I am not going to go over all the class changes myself. So if you want to read of that I will leave a link to the article down below in the description so you can read the entire article. But what is interesting to me personally, are the new items coming in phase two with the raid itself and actually how the item level increase will affect these items. So here we go. I'm gonna categorize spells we can now see for example, we have some tier eight items. So that's my tier eight tank relic, your rune strike capability in grants you 136 dot rating.

That was the old one then you want to now you see 144 dot rating. So like a little bit of an increase right there about a eight increase right there for the trading and arena foreign gladiators deathmatch relic, you're playing strike capability in rounds, you 144 attack power, and that was the old one. 

And now we have 152 attack power once the young giving us eight more attack power, which might not sound like a lot but when you have that on every single item and also from item sets as well. It definitely adds up itself. So you have raised standard testing rune spells at drew it though my main is a driven this one is really interesting to me. tier eight balance relic increases the spell power of your inserts worn by 374.

That was the old one and the new one is now 396. The WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold Federal Rutledge increased your agility by 153. And before and now it's 162 for restoration, it now gives you more healing on your nourish ability. And we also have some increases as well for gladiatorial idols. So you have this one, which used to give you a 144 attack power. And now it gives you 152 attack power. This one right here used to give you 84 spell power. Now that gives you 89 spellpower instance, so only a five spell power increase, but once again, adds up over time. 
